Forged by fire

Draper, Sharon M.

Forged by fire / .-- Nueva York : Scholastic , 1997 .-- 156 p.

Will Gerald find the courage to stand up to his stepfather? When his loving aunt dies, Gerald suddenly is thrust into a new home filled with anger and abuse. A brutal stepfather with a flaming temper and an evil secret makes Gerald miserable, and the only light in his grim life is Angel, his young stepsister. Gerald and Angel grow close as he strives to protect her from Jordan, his abusive stepfather, and from their substance-addicted mother. But Gerald learns, painfully, that his past can't be extinguished, and that he must be strong enough to face Jordan in a final confrontation, once and for all... ¿Encontrará Gerald el coraje para enfrentarse a su padrastro? Cuando su adorada tía muere, Gerald repentinamente se ve inmerso en un nuevo hogar lleno de ira y de abuso. Un brutal padrastro con un temperamento caliente y un malvado secrete hace miserable a Gerald, y la única luz en su horrible vida es Ángel, su hermanastra menor. Gerald y Ángel crecen juntos mientras él se esfuerza para protegerla de Jordan, su abusivo padrastro, y de su madre adicta a las sustancias. Pero Gerald aprende, dolorosamente, que su pasado no puede ser extinguido, y que debe ser lo suficientemente fuerte para hacer frente a Jordan en una confrontación final, una vez por todas...